Virtual European Forum 2022
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Virtual European Forum 2022
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The Virtual European Forum provides an enriching opportunity for students from all over the globe to gain first hand experience in navigating the complex global challenges that leaders around the world face every day. The Forum is designed to help students develop the leadership capacity to examine contemporary global issues, comprehensively analyze international policies, negotiate towards bilateral and multilateral agreements, and work among virtual international contexts to create viable and sustainable solutions.
Through simulating the roles of foreign and defense ministers, as well as by hearing from decision-makers and experts in the field, participants are offered the unique opportunity to deepen their knowledge of how multinational institutions operate while simultaneously generating innovative solutions to growing universal challenges.
Students will choose between participating as a member of the NAC, FAC or the Media Committee and will fulfill required assignments to prepare them for engaging with their role in the Forum. The overall experience will take place over four consecutive weekends, starting on March 6.
Our partners & sponsors
Our activities are only possible with the support of our trusted partners and sponsors.
This year our special thanks go to everyone who believed in us and our mission.

What you’re in for
The Virtual European Forum offers students from across the world the chance to bridge the divide between spectator and actor and take an active role in understanding the institutions which help shape our lives.
Through simulating the roles of foreign and denfense ministers as well as by hearing from decision-makers and experts, participants are offered a unique opportunity to deepen their knowledge of how international institutions operate.
The global challenges that are faced at the beginning of the new decade are both physical and financial and there exists a clear need for institutions to react in order to confront these growing threats.
The VEF will be split between typical security concerns and emerging, less traditional challenges.
Through the Media Committee at the program, a degree of realism to the challenges faced will be added. The unique opportunity that the Virtual European Forum offers is one not to be missed!
Experience the process that sets our world in motion within the NAC and the FAC
Gain insights from within international organizations during our unique speaker sessions with experts from politics, business and academia
Network with like-minded peers in a multicultural environment
Hone your writing skills and critical view by contributing to our blog
Our committees
Through simulating the roles of world leaders and activists you benefit from a unique opportunity to deepen your knowledge of the intricate workings of the NAC, the FAC and the media.

North Atlantic Council
The simulated North Atlantic Council (NAC) meets annually at the Brussels European Forum. Together, the largest military alliance on the planet is tasked with guaranteeing the safety of all its members and coordinating collective defensive strategies.
Representatives of NATO nations will be faced with two weeks of intensive and impactful debate where old paradigms meet new challenges and the policies of the future are forged.
Join now and take international defense and world stability into your own hands! Become a member of the North Atlantic Council!

Foreign Affaris Council
The simulated Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) dares to assemble within its Agenda the most challenging matters the EU is facing nowadays. The implacable climate change, widening internal divisions and potential trade wars are issues you will be provoked to realistically tackle.
You will get the chance to shape the future of the European project through engaging in intense negotiations, finding strategic allies and brokering consensus for the pan-European good.
Join the FAC, get an insight into how European affairs are being conducted, make your voice heard and have a lasting echo in the new global order!

Media Committee
Journalism and the right of free speech have always been one of the core elements of democratic societies. The Media Committee aims to complement the simulation by creating a medial frame and connection around and between the negotiation committees just like real-life journalists.
Representing one of three differently oriented news outlets, you will be interviewing representatives of the NAC and the FAC, as well as organising a press conference and informing the participants about the events happening within the committees via our own social media channel.
The way you portray the delegates to others might even influence the way the committees work together, so the journalists’ work is not to be underestimated.

North Atlantic Council
The simulated North Atlantic Council (NAC) meets annually at the Brussels European Forum. Together, the largest military alliance on the planet is tasked with guaranteeing the safety of all its members and coordinating collective defensive strategies.
Representatives of NATO nations will be faced with two weeks of intensive and consequential debate where old paradigms meet new challenges and the policies of the future are forged.
Join now and take international defense and world stability into your own hands! Become a member of the North Atlantic Council!

Foreign Affairs Council
The simulated Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) dares to assemble within its Agenda the most challenging matters the EU is facing nowadays. The implacable climate change, widening internal divisions and potential trade wars are issues you will be provoked to realistically tackle.
You will get the chance to shape the future of the European project through engaging in intense negotiations, finding strategic allies and brokering consensus for the pan-European good.
Join the FAC, get an insight into how European affairs are being conducted, make your voice heard and have a lasting echo in the new global order!

Media Committee
Journalism and the right of free speech have always been one of the core elements of democratic societies. The Media Committee aims to complement the simulation by creating a medial frame and connection around and between the negotiation committees just like real-life journalists.
Representing one of three differently oriented news outlets, you will be interviewing representatives of the NAC and the FAC, as well as organising a press conference and informing the participants about the events happening within the committees via our own social media channel.
The way you portray the delegates to others might even influence the way the committees work together, so the journalists’ work is not to be underestimated.
Your preparation for the conference should begin as soon as you have received confirmation of participation. Make yourself familiar with the basic details, structure and role of your committee. Have a look at recent decisions and start researching the planned agenda topics.
You will draft and submit 3 written assignments, one prior to each of the first 3 sessions. They should prepare you for writing various types of documents necessary during a simulation conference (press releases, policy memos, briefs etc.) and will focus on the topics from your committee agenda. You will receive feedback from your committee chairs, which will guide you throughout the preparation.
Dress code
Though they are online, business attire is strictly required during all sessions. This is designed in part to create the atmosphere of a real virtual summit, but also to show respect to your fellow participants and organizers, and a sign of personal professionalism.
Virtual European Forum
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Virtual European Forum
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Frequently asked questions
Do you have questions about the next VEF? Check out the FAQ section or contact a member of our staff.
Who is the VEF for?
The Virtual European Forum is open primarily to students and career-starters with an interest in political science, international relations, communications, negotiation, law, and global leadership, but not limited to these disciplines. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate an interest in the topics of emphasis for VEF 2021.
How much does it cost?
The participation fee is EUR 150.
A limited number of participants may benefit from a reduced rate of EUR 75, should they be unable to participate otherwise. In order to receive the reduced rate they will be required to write a second letter of motivation, outlining why the rate is necessary.
You will be required to transfer the participation fee after you confirm your invitation to attend the event.
What if I am connecting from outside Europe?
We will provide the schedule adjusted to different time zones around the world. We do recognize that it might be difficult for some participants to take part as the schedule is optimized for Europe (CET). Please be mindful of this when applying. We will not be able to accommodate schedule change requests.
What happens if I have to cancel my participation last minute?
Please note that the conference fee is non-refundable if the cancellation is made less than two weeks prior to the event.
How do I apply?
Step 1
Fill out the application form.
Step 2
Send us your CV and a letter of motivation to office[at]
Should you require a reduced rate, please send us a second letter of motivation, outlining why the rate is necessary.
Step 3
We will reply via email to all applications submitted to us. If you do not receive an email from us, please check your Spam folder and/or get in touch.
Are there any further recommendations to participants?
We encourage you to acquaint yourself with your role and finish the required assignments.
Please try to make sure that your internet connection is stable and avoid using any unnecessary devices during the sessions. If possible, we recommend using a second screen.
VEF 2022
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VEF 2022
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Applications are closed. If you wish to stay informed about our future events please fill out the pre-registration form below.
Preregister now!
More information to come. If you wish to stay updated about VEF as well as be notified about the start of the application process, fill out the form below.